Sometimes innovation emerges not from a flash of genius, but from frustration. WellFunded began this way—through a combination of providence and exasperation with a system that wasn't working as it should.
The philanthropy system is broken, though not for lack of good intentions.
Charities spend $70 billion on major donor fundraising. Larger organizations grow by 20% while smaller ones shrink at the same rate. Minority-led organizations receive only 4% of available funding. Trust in charities has reached historic lows, and there are 20% fewer major donors than a decade ago.
The question is clear: Is the current system producing the outcomes we desire?
The genesis of WellFunded began with an impulsive email to Peter Roebbelen at the Charis Foundation.
My message conveyed genuine frustration with the granting industry at large. In retrospect, my frustration was misplaced—I had been approaching their grant process incorrectly and faced repeated rejections.
Rather than dismissing my message, Peter graciously suggested a Zoom call. This gave me the opportunity to express my concerns about the seemingly redundant processes across foundations with supposedly aligned missions.
That conversation proved pivotal.
Peter shared the challenges that Charis and similar foundations face: overwhelming solicitation volumes, finite granting dollars, the delicate balance of engaging charities without raising false hopes, and the difficulty of differentiating between similar organizations.
I began to see a more complicated, nuanced system.
This exchange sparked my curiosity, leading me to gather hundreds of insights from philanthropists about both the joys and challenges of giving. I conducted parallel discussions with charities, gaining a comprehensive view of the ecosystem.
Systems evolve—sometimes by design, often by accident. The grant writing and major donor processes are examples of this accidental evolution. After many discussions, I realized we now have an opportunity to do things differently, with intentionality and design.
From these realizations, the initial WellFunded was born—a platform designed to counter the less desirable aspects of modern fundraising while introducing a fresh approach to connecting those doing good work with those positioned to fund it.
Our goal isn’t iterative improvements on a broken fundraising system but a wholesale overhaul.
A small group of visionary philanthropists immediately grasped the concept and provided resources to build our minimum viable product. After analyzing over 1,500 grant applications, we mapped our product in May, soft-launched in December, and officially debuted in January.
The learning curve has been steep and rewarding.
Since launch, we've acquired customers across Donor Advised Funds, Foundations, and individual philanthropists. We're rapidly enhancing our platform based on user feedback. We've signed foundations representing $500 million in assets in just six weeks of operation and are onboarding hundreds of charities.
Our upcoming features include an advanced AI model to help foundations conduct more efficient due diligence while reducing paperwork, plus visualization tools that make impact assessment more intuitive. Simultaneously, we're working diligently to bring more charities onto the platform.
The journey ahead is long—transforming an established fundraising ecosystem doesn't happen overnight.
However, the status quo, with duplicative processes, wasted resources, and inequitable outcomes isn’t working. The best way I know to make things better is to make better things. I’m thrilled to do this alongside organizations like The Charis Foundation and more.
To get connected with WellFunded, visit us at or email